HCPSS Looking Ahead to HS 13 and Beyond
Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 7pm: OMO Community Forum
During our September Community Forum on Redistricting, many attendees voiced concerns about the process for the upcoming HCPSS High School #13. As such, the purpose of this forum was to learn how the school system will be handling community input on boundaries for the new high school, and what to expect for future Capital Improvement Processes.
Three Board of Education members--Chairman Chao Wu, Jolene Mosley, and Antonia Watts--and James LeMon (HCPSS Executive Dir. Community, Parent, and School Outreach) attended this session and answered questions. The letter below was provided by HCPSS COO Scott Washington in response to our questions prior to the meeting.
During our September Community Forum on Redistricting, many attendees voiced concerns about the process for the upcoming HCPSS High School #13. As such, the purpose of this forum was to learn how the school system will be handling community input on boundaries for the new high school, and what to expect for future Capital Improvement Processes.
Three Board of Education members--Chairman Chao Wu, Jolene Mosley, and Antonia Watts--and James LeMon (HCPSS Executive Dir. Community, Parent, and School Outreach) attended this session and answered questions. The letter below was provided by HCPSS COO Scott Washington in response to our questions prior to the meeting.
Policy 6010 School Attendance Areas guides the boundary review process.
The projection accuracy report can be found here: http://go.boarddocs.com/mabe/hcpssmd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=BWZQ4961B915
The Board has proposed their FY2022 Capital Budget and Long Range Master Plan. Here is a link to the Budget pages of their proposed budget (9/25/20): https://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/budget/fy22/fy22-proposed-board-capital-budget.pdf A detailed document of the Superintendent’s Proposed Capital Budget (9/11/20) can be found here: https://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/budget/fy22/fy22-proposed-superintendent-capital-budget.pdf
- The current policy can be found here: https://policy.hcpss.org/6000/6010/ with the implementation procedures here: https://policy.hcpss.org/6000/6010/implementation/
- Please note that the policy is currently under review with recommendations to be considered by the Board in the Spring 2021. A Board public hearing on the policy is anticipated for April 15, 2021, following a presentation March 11, 2021. (Check Board Agendas on our website for revised dates)
- Anyone who wants to testify on the policy may give written testimony after the presentation (March) to [email protected] or sign up to speak at the public hearing (April). Information about testifying can be found here: https://www.hcpss.org/board/meeting-participation/#hearing)
The projection accuracy report can be found here: http://go.boarddocs.com/mabe/hcpssmd/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=BWZQ4961B915
The Board has proposed their FY2022 Capital Budget and Long Range Master Plan. Here is a link to the Budget pages of their proposed budget (9/25/20): https://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/budget/fy22/fy22-proposed-board-capital-budget.pdf A detailed document of the Superintendent’s Proposed Capital Budget (9/11/20) can be found here: https://www.hcpss.org/f/aboutus/budget/fy22/fy22-proposed-superintendent-capital-budget.pdf
Redistricting: Restorative Conversation Forum
Thursday, September 24 at 7pm: OMO Community Forum
Redistricting Restorative Conversation with Amy Brooks and Rashida George
We all want what’s best for our children, so it’s time to brave the hard conversation about how past boundary decisions, wealth concentration, and budget decisions led to such large disparities in school resources in one of the wealthiest counties in the US.
-Please listen to the 5 episodes of the Nice White Parents podcast prior to this session for context on how similar situations have played out in other school districts.
-Please read the 7 page LWVHC Equity in Education Education Study Narrative and Concurrence report (sample below)
Join the discussion at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81949307541
Redistricting Restorative Conversation with Amy Brooks and Rashida George
We all want what’s best for our children, so it’s time to brave the hard conversation about how past boundary decisions, wealth concentration, and budget decisions led to such large disparities in school resources in one of the wealthiest counties in the US.
-Please listen to the 5 episodes of the Nice White Parents podcast prior to this session for context on how similar situations have played out in other school districts.
-Please read the 7 page LWVHC Equity in Education Education Study Narrative and Concurrence report (sample below)
- What could have been done differently and what conversations can we have as a community and with our representatives to make future boundary adjustments work for more stakeholders?
- What disparities exist between HCPSS schools in terms of facility age, population, utilization, deferred maintenance?
Join the discussion at 7pm: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81949307541